Monday, December 13, 2010


Our last excursion.

In the morning we went to Dun-Drum shopping centre. We think the shopping centre was fantastic, but the time was short. It was a very big shopping centre, with a lot of shops. We really enjoyed our shopping there.
In the afternoon we went to the GAA stadium. When the teachers told us that we had to go there we thought it would be very boring, but it was really interesting.
At the beggining we watched a video about the sports. In the GAA they play some sports but aslo there, they make concerts for example they told us that the group of music U2 came last year. One of the sports that they play in the GAA is hurling. Hurling is one of the fastest sports in the world. You play hurling with a ball that is a small ball and with a stick.The GAA stadium is the biggest stadium in the world, it has different parts. One of the parts is for important people. There is one part that you can´t sit down, in that part you can only be standing. There is also a part for the journalists. To get in the GAA stadium for a match you don´t have to buy the tickets you have to be invited but only in one part of the stands. In the GAA, they showed us the playing field, the changing room, the place that they celebrate the matches if they win.
At the end there were a lot of games and we played there was one that you  had to jump, another that you had to score a hurling ball with a stick in a basket another one that you had to keep your balance and a lot of games like these ones.
It was a very interesting excursion.
By Carmen Romero and Raquel Alvarellos

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