Wednesday, February 8, 2012


1. 16% of women are born blonde, and 33% of women are blond.
2. The sun releases more energy in one second than all the energy consumed by humanity since they exist.
3. Napoleon Bonaparte calculated that the stones used in building the pyramids of Egypt, would be sufficient to build a huge wall around France.
4. The letter "J" is the only letter that does not appear in the periodic table.
5. The easiest way to differentiate a carnivorous animal is an herbivore through their eyes. Carnivores (dogs, lions) have them in front of the head, which helps them locate their food. Herbivores have them on the side of it (birds, rabbits), which helps to detect the approach of a possible predator.
6. A person blinks about 25 000 times a week.
7. The CDs were designed to contain 72 minutes of music because that is the duration of the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven.
8. It is proven that smoking is the major source of research and statistics.
9. Lightning kills more that volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
10. The strongest material created by nature is the spider web.

If you want to see more enter here:

By: Javier B.S

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